Amsterdam 2009, Day 8-20

What an amazing time this has been in Amsterdam. Highlights (but not limited to!): playing and hanging with Michael Moore and Michael Vatcher, playing/recording with Anne La Berge, hanging with Mary Oliver, Trevor Grahl, Susanna Von …

Slacktone! Winston, Amsterdam, 9-12-2009

Slacktone Michael Moore and I went and saw Slacktone at Winston in Amsterdam on September 12. Sam Bolle is an old friend from Ventura’s Instrumental Music. I met Dusty Watson through him some years back when …

Amsterdam 2009, Day 3-6

Me with Dana Jessen and Mike Straus on the roof of their house(Click on any image to enlarge) It was very nice to see Dana and Mike, I met them last year at this time, when …

Amsterdam 2009, Day 1 and 2

On Herengracht, walking around the corner from the STEIM’s guest house to the studios.(Click any image to enlarge.) I made it to Amsterdam, quite comfortably, actually. First class is even different in the trains…it was on …