Berlin: September 1-4, 2010

Rosa Luxemburg Skyline… Isambard Khroustaliov – computer and Maurizio Ravalico – percussion, found objects atClub der polnischen Versager .. .. We can see who is moving the most… Skyline With Thea at the World Clock Axel …

Maria with Jürg Bariletti and Phil Skaller

I really feel lucky sometimes, to do interesting gigs in equally interesting venues. Life can be so rich, varied and wonderfully surprising. When Phil told me we would be doing a gig in a cargo container …

Sidney Corbett at Hauptbahnhof: September 1, 2010

I had the pleasure of hearing several gigs at of all places, Berlin Hauptbahnhof. Wednesday was a lovely piece by Sid Corbett for piano and multi-channel electronic playback. For many of the performances meshing with the …