Chess and The Mouth Harp…

Mig Greengard over at The Daily Dirt (a chess blog) was researching the lesser-known chess Grandmaster Vladimir Potkin. (In Greengard’s words, “The 29-year-old Russian is better known for not being better known.”) Along the way, he …


Equalizers and Pro Tools 9

Recently I switched to Pro Tools 9 as my main DAW (from Digital Performer). There are many reasons for this, not the least of which is I like it better. I also find myself using the …

Kaiser, McNalley, Byrnes Recording Session

Had a VERY enjoyable recording session today, a little different: all acoustic! Tom McNalley on steel string and resonator guitar, Ted Byrnes on drums/percussion and I played Bb trumpet, quartertone trumpet and flugelhorn. Ben Power came …

RIP, Pinetop…

A student last quarter in my Blues class met and spent some time with Pinetop in Austin, Texas…she brought me back an autographed CD and a verbal invitation to his 100th birthday party, which he was …

On KSDS with Miff Mole

Thursday, March 10, David Borgo and I were interviewed live on KSDS by the wonderful Miff Mole, followed by a lovely Avery DuganA IPA at O’Briens…(in an Alpine glass….)

Pie In Concert…

Just saw that I had not posted these to the blog…Phil Skaller and I in concert a few months ago….pics include details of the piano preparation. Look for our upcoming CD….in the mixing stage….

Pamela Z visits UCSD…

Wonderful show at The Loft, great hang with Pamela Z on Saturday and Sunday….some pics from the show, and having breakfast with the producer Bonnie Wright…

Kaiser, Kronomorfic, Keneally

Real enjoyable gig last Friday….Porter’s Pub at UCSD, produced by the wonderful Brian Ross! Opening: Jeff Kaiser, solo (photo of Jeff Kaiser by Brian Ross, all others by Jeff Kaiser. Click to enlarge.) Kronomorfic: David Borgo, …