Another nice week…I hate to be so upbeat about all this…besides a jam session at Zaal 100, and forays for beers, food, laundry and the occasional cigar (cubans have come down in price since my last visit) I spent much of the week at the Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam drinking espresso and tea and working on paper proposals, tours, shepherding new pfMENTUM CDs through the manufacturing process (Vlatkovich and Grossman’s new Call and Response, Jim Connolly’s new quartet plus, as well as David Borgo/Paul Pellegrin septet..!), preparing a release of my own with Control Valve (a net label run by Roger Smith…it is a 16 minute piece by myself and Don Haugen recorded in Eugene, OR last month…sounds nice if I do say so myself), ordering text books for my students, preparing lecture notes, syllabus, reading list, listening list…besides all that, been a pretty chill week. Loving it.
Nice that there are enough accordions to warrant this.
John Dikeman, Jeff Kaiser, Jasper Stadhouders at Zaal 100.