Club der Polnischen Versager
(Click any image to enlarge)
Phil Skaller setting up: his rollup keyboard, horns, bells, whistles…
The stage (drums off to the left)
Harald Thieman, percussionist and our host…the drums were in the dark, so no pictures of his beautiful set and random objects…
Jürg onstage
(Thanks Jason Ponce, for taking the above two photographs)
The day after the gig, I took another full-on tourist day…Prenzlauer Berg, Kreuzberg, Unter den Linden, Alexander Platz and Neuköln.
Getting off the train at Prenzlauer Berg and asked the question we all want to know the truth about.
My destination (tip from Roy Carroll) was Benjowski Tea, truly fantastic tea shop. Despite the proprietor’s immense dislike of Pu-erh, she had a lovely selection, of which I did make a purchase.

Benjowki Tea
Teeater, Phil Skaller’s cousin’s tea joint
Getting on the train to Unter den linden
Should’ve read the news, got off in the middle of the Marathon…!
The finsish line: Brandenburg Gate
Reichstag with TV tower in background
I ran into a random old time string band…
random architecture in Neukölln
Having a pilsener at Fuchs und Elster
Watching Crix X and Sarah Dietrich improvise to La Jetée
Jason Ponce and Paris at the Schluck Sprecht