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I’ve had an unbelievable time here, I hope to return for a longer stay next year. Wrapping up with a final few pics to post before off to chess with Roy and Keith….
Great video installation! Wednesday I went and saw one of the coolest uses of space….an underground labyrinth through the large intestine of an unused public swimming pool…with video installations in every nook and cranny. I went to a party there a few weeks ago, but this was opening night for the installations…

Stadtbad Video Festival

Installation in the pool

More: Pool installation

Stadtbad labyrinth….

Stadtbad Video installation

Another shot

The bowels of the pool

The pub in the bowels

more bowels
Afterwards, caught a train to Die Remise…

Walking to Die Remise, poked my head into a skate park through an opening in the wall

At the Shillingbrücke Terrace, Die Remise’s summer concert location
Keith O’Brien, Roy Carroll, Ed
Thursday nights concert at Loophole, with the FANTASTIC clarinetist Anat Cohavi, and equally wonderful accordionist Hannes Lingens and laptopist Roy Carroll. It was nice to have friends Joachim Goßmann and Johnny Chang there.

Recording mics on a chandelier at Loophole…which later came tumbling down, with no injuries….

Loophole stage

Loophole stage

Roy Carroll, Hannes Lingens, Anat Cohavi, Jeff Kaiser at Loophole
Friday, visited Ableton’s offices, had a great visit with Yukio King, awesome guy who my friend Trevor Henthorn introduced me to, had an excellent chat about education, art, software, life in Berlin. I was also able to meet Jeremy Bernstein, codemeister for Cycling 74 who was also generous by taking time out of his day to chat with me, a great guy…all these folks are so interesting…!

Ableton offices
Leaving the offices, was once again struck by the sky…

Yet another shot getting on to the train at Rosa Luxemburg

Yet another shot getting on to the train at Rosa Luxemburg
Friday night gig with Keith O’Brien and Roy Carroll was SMOKING. Thanks so much to Roy for setting up all these wonderful musical experiences for me. That night also featured Liz Albee (tpt) and Clayton Thomas (contrabass), who put on a killer set, mesmerizing, beautiful stuff. It was nice to finally meet Liz after crossing paths with her for years, we have so many friends in common.

Phil setting up the recording mics at Salon Bruit, Licht Blick, Kino 77…

Roy’s hands, me, Keith O’Brien

Roy Carroll

Keith O’Brien

Soundcheck at Salon Bruit

Soundcheck at Salon Bruit
The next day, chilled out with Chess and Keith at Café Manolo…

Chess at Café Manolo with Keith O’Brien
Early Tuesday morning, off to Amsterdam and STEIM. I will miss Berlin, but am looking forward to STEIM, Amsterdam and getting some work done…