A bunch of random shots from my last few weeks here…food, drink, music, trains….seems to be the theme….Click any picture to enlarge it.

Ariana at Manna
Ariana and Carolyn at Madame Claude’s ExperiMontag!
The ceiling at MC….very confusing….
Brendan Daugherty, Magda, Tony Buck at Podewil
Creepy doll seen during the walk home
Stu Ritchie and Ariana at Miss Heckers
Madame Claude’s…Mario De Vega and Oliver DiPlacido
Phil and Ariana…Ariana’s last night here…
Keith, hair drying post-bike ride in the rain to our recording session….
with Christian Lillinger (Drums), Achim Kaufman (piano), Johannes Fink (bass)
A piece of the wall on the walk home
Phil eating a potato bigger than his head.
Coffee with Chris Heenen, Johnny Chang and Claudia (not pictured)