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Michael Vlatkovich and Wayne Peet
Michael and Wayne discussing those little dots on the paper. There are not enough superlatives in the dictionary to describe Michael’s music…
Wayne Peet
Wayne at the console. Legendary musician, engineer and space, hundreds (literally) of creative music albums have been recorded/produced here. From Vinny Golia, Nels Cline and more.
William Roper
Tubist, Cimbassoist, Euphoniumist William Roper. I’ve got too many stories about Bill…brilliant, funny, and VERY skilled/creative musician. Ask me about the one involving The Choir Boys and Vinny Golia Large Ensemble at REDCAT…
Jeff Kaiser
Killzone Studio booth…
Panorama from my booth
Panorama from Killzone Studio booth: Vlatkovich on the monitor giving us our cues from another booth, Peet at the console, Roper in the main room.