New video up — Book of Surprises

This is a rehearsal of an idea (“Book of Surprises”) I’ve been working on…I imagine a refined version of this eventually being part of my homage album to Jon Hassell. I hope you enjoy it.

My robots are playing strings, percussion, and voice samples…in particular: KaiGen-M2 for strings, KaiGen-R2 for percussion, and KaiGen-Smaple-Palyer for voice samples. I authored them in Max/MSP and run them as Max for Live Plugins in Ableton Live. All are freely available on my website and fully hackable in Max. The trumpet is being processed live by a combination of Eventide, PSP Audioware, and my own custom plugins including the fibonacci-based delay line.

#ableton #trumpet #maxmsp #abletonlive #cycling74 #generativemusic #generativeart #generative

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