NYC Electroacoustic Music Festival

I will be presenting my paper, Developing a Pedagogy for the Analysis of Contemporary Electronic Music

In this presentation I examine the development of a new course on the analysis of contemporary electronic music that began with two simple questions: what is music theory and what does it mean to analyze contemporary electronic music music?

In addition to the examination of sonic and technological elements of the music, this presentation draws upon recent scholarship in cognitive science (Stanislas DeHaene), critical and digital pedagogy, music theory (Philip Ewell), and Data Feminism (Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren Klein) to create a theory-based examination of electro-acoustic music that does not erase the people behind the music. It is my argument that by including these concepts we can create a “socially responsible and meaningful” examination of this music that takes into consideration “how power is organized, maintained, and challenged” in the world of music theory, music technology, and music composition (Ewell/Tucker). This presentation will also look at other texts that examine the relationship between bodies and technology and how this informs the development of this pedagogy.

11am, Studio A of the Sheen Center

The Sheen Center for Thought & Culture

18 Bleecker St, New York, NY 10012