Research Presentations

Research Presentations (Invited) June 26-28, 2023, June 26-28, 2023 Led three days of workshops at Tecnológico de Monterrey (via Zoom) with the team of music technology professors from across multiple campuses. September 30, 2022, Guest speaker …

Resource: Music Technology, Pedagogy, Equity

My pedagogy project, Why Reaper?, is dedicated to providing music technology educational resources, pedagogical insights on equity in the music tech education world, and tutorials and other resources focused on teaching with professional tools that are …

Book: Loopers: Aesthetics, Technologies, and Creative Practitioners

"Our Lady of the Blessed Tape Loop" by Jeff Kaiser. Photograph of a loop he used in the early 80s.

Authors:Jeff Kaiser and Gregory Taylor In process. Do you use repetition as part of your creative practice? We want (and need) your input, including: professional and amateur musician/sound artists and developers of hardware and software. Please …

Article: How I lost 150 lbs. thanks to Max/MSP!

[Note: This is an older paper that pre-dates my PhD studies. It catches the mood of the time when composers and performers in certain arenas were viewed as necessarily categorically distinct. Thankfully, not so much now.] …

New video, “Ode to a Spy Balloon, Part 1”

Ode to a Spy Balloon

A new oddity from me, “Ode to a Spy Balloon (Part 1)” features me playing balloons while generative software plays a foley footstep sample library. I don’t know why I did this one, but it was …

The Choir Boys with Choir – MOXsonic 2023

The Choir Boys (Jeff Kaiser and Andrew Pask) premiere a new concert length work for, The Choir Boys with Choir, featuring the UCM Concert Choir under the direction of Jackson Thomas. Originally intended to be performed at MOXsonic …

Loopers Book Project by Jeff Kaiser and Gregory Taylor

"Our Lady of the Blessed Tape Loop" by Jeff Kaiser. Photograph of a loop he used in the early 80s.

I am very excited to announce the beginning of a research/book project on loopers that I will be writing with my friend Gregory Taylor. The working title is, Loopers: Aesthetics, Technologies, and Creative Practitioners. We want …

Ableton Educator Sessions

Educator friends who teach music technology: There is a free Ableton Educator Session tomorrow, and it is full of a variety of different presentations on teaching music technology…and it is FREE and online. “Educators from across …

The Organized Sound – A Tribute Concert to Edgard Varèse

I am very pleased to be a part of this exciting concert in Beijing organized, hosted, and curated by the always remarkable and awesome Qi Mengjie Maggie. The organized sound- A tribute concert to Edvard Varèse …