Barry Threw and Jeff Kaiser = Maximus P

Do we look like pop musicians in this pic? A wee bit too much time on my hands this vacation… Click below to hear a mix of our Oakland Gig: Maximus P Live!(Barry Threw and Jeff …


Bill Harrington was using my software, the KaiserLooper, at a concert last Wednesday. All of a sudden while focusing and concentrating on the performance, a window popped up on his computer that said, “Jeff Kaiser will …

New Video: Those Who Sleep in the Dust of the Eart

This is a new piece I’ve been working on that features prepared piano, drum kits, basses, and more all being played by my generative software, KaiGen. The trumpet is being processed live by a variety of …

Article: The Automation of Surprise: Improvisation, Controlled Hallucinations, and the Predictive Mind

Author:Jeff Kaiser Title:The Automation of Surprise: Improvisation, Controlled Hallucinations, and the Predictive Mind Abstract: This article takes inspiration from the ideas of predictive mind theory that posits predictive processing: the idea our minds are constantly generating …

New Video – The Heavy is the Root of the Light

The Heavy is the Root of the Light is a new composition I have been working on featuring my Max for Live robots (KaiGen) and the new version of my Max for Live plugin jk.reverser. PLEASE …

Updated jk.reverser plugin, new features

Check it out at https://jeffkaiser.com/product/jk-reverser-by-jeff-kaiser-max-for-live-plugin-and-max-patch-that-reverses-audio-input/ New features: declicking, controllable feedback loop with options for pitch and lowpass, and presets. Free, and works great in Max or Ableton Live.

New Recording Release: Time Out of Joint

Please check out my new recording with Eric P. Mandat. Free or Pay-What-You-Want. https://jeffkaiser.com/product/jeff-kaiser-and-eric-p-mandat-time-out-of-joint-tnpy-003

New Videos about my Speed Control M4L device

My friend Andre LaFosse, the remarkable musician and looper, did two recent videos…about my Max for Live Device that maps your MIDI keyboard keys to pitch in Ableton’s Looper. https://jeffkaiser.com/product/speed-control-max-for-live-plugin-midi-keyboard-looper-speed Andre’s use is OUTSTANDING. The first …