Jeff Kaiser / Andrew Pask: The Choir Boys (PFMCD024)

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The Choir Boys
Jeff Kaiser • Andrew Pask

The Choir Boys (Jeff Kaiser and Andrew Pask)

Jeff Kaiser: Trumpet, Quarter-Tone Trumpet, Flugelhorn, Live Processing
Andrew Pask: Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Soprano, Alto and Tenor Saxophones, Bass, Penny Whistle, Live Processing

Visit The Choir Boys home page at:

Album info:

1. Wheeling Rebus 9:24
2. Dim Effigies 9:37
3. Carbon Icon 6:36
4. The Variability of Stammering Arrows 15:09
5. Blue Air Habit 17:31
6. Tumbling Abstention 5:47
7. Reliquaries 9:44
Total Playing Time: 73:48

(c)2005 Jeff Kaiser Music, ASCAP and Kaleidacousticon, ASCAP
All music recorded live in the studio with no overdubs or pre-recorded samples
Recorded by Andrew Pask, October 16 – 17, 2004 in Los Feliz, CA
Mixed and Mastered by Jeff Kaiser, December 4 – 5, 2004 in Ventura, CA
Photography by Michael Kelly • Relics from the collection of Michael, Gisele and Devin Kelly
CD art, design and layout by Jeff Kaiser
For more information:
pfMENTUM • PO Box 1653 • Ventura • CA • 93002



Jeff Kaiser and Andrew Pask with Steuart Liebig and G.E. Stinson: The Choir Boys with Strings (PFMCD037)

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The Choir Boys with Strings
Jeff Kaiser: Trumpet, Quarter-Tone Trumpet, Flugelhorn, Electronics
Andrew Pask: Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Bass Penny Whistle, Electronics
G.E. Stinson: Electric Guitars, Electronics
Steuart Liebig: Contrabass Guitars, Electronics

Visit The Choir Boys home page at:

1. Needlework Alice 11:59
2. Impromptu Lateral Drop 7:26
3. Tobacconist from Rimini 10:59
4. Frenchwoman Luggage Cart 8:39
5. Adulterous Dishwasher 9:40
6. Definitely Jack 10:23
7. Rest of the Skeleton 15:12
8. Wir Sind Hier 5:28

The music was created in two continuous suites.
Track numbers have been added for convenience.
Suite One: Tracks 1-5. Suite Two: Tracks 6-8.
Total Playing Time: 79:46

All music © 2006, Jeff Kaiser Music, ASCAP and Kaleidacousticon, ASCAP
Digital multitrack recording by Wayne Peet, October 5, 2005 at Ventura College Theater, Ventura, California
Art, Layout, Mixing and Mastering by Jeff Kaiser, January 2006
pfMENTUM • • Box 1653 • Ventura • CA • 93002

Special thanks to Robert Lawson and Ollie Powers for the invitation to perform,
and to Roger Meyer for staging and lighting the show.



Jeff Kaiser / Tom McNalley: ZUGZWANG (PFMCD038)

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Jeff Kaiser: quarter tone trumpet, electronics
Tom McNalley: electric guitar, electronics

1. carbon fianchetto 12:44
2. opening demand 7:28
3. systematic imbalance 7:30
4. both varied situations 7:54
5. organic symmetry 4:16
6. abbreviated structure 4:08
7. luft swapping 4:50
8. zwischenzug 1:36
9. aristotelian blockade 11:14
10. liquid compensation 11:00

Total Playing Time: 72:40
All compositions ©2006 Jeff Kaiser Music, ASCAP, and Tom McNalley Music, ASCAP
Recorded live (no overdubs) 7.15.05 and 8.7.05 at pfMENTUM World Headquarters, Ventura, CA
Recorded, mixed, mastered and designed by Jeff Kaiser



Jeff Kaiser and Gregory Taylor / The Desert Fathers: Coptic Icons (PFMCD050)

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The Desert Fathers

Jeff Kaiser: Quartertone Trumpet, Laptop
Gregory Taylor: Laptop


1. Visions (Saint Anthony) 31:14
2. The White Monastery (Saint Shenouda) 26:02

Recorded direct-to-disc 4.27 and 4.28.07 at the Boise Experimental Music Festival
CD art, mix and mastering by Jeff Kaiser
© 2007, Gregory Taylor, BMI and Jeff Kaiser Music, ASCAP
For more information: • PFMCD050

The Desert fathers—a collection of ascetics, monks, and hermits—fled the persecutions and chaos of the Roman Empire in the third century AD and settled in the deserts of Egypt, seeking safety and solace in loose-knit refugee communities at the margins of civilization. When the persecutions stopped, they remained-drawn as individuals by the solitude, privation, and self-discipline borne of desert life.

Born the son of wealthy landowners, orphaned, and later disciple of a local ascetic, St. Anthony the Great is noteworthy as the first to actually pursue an isolated (anchoritic) life in the desert itself. His biographies describe in vivid detail the afflictions and visions of his isolation—torments from which he emerged enlightened, serene, and healthy. After this, he moved further into the wilderness even as his fame grew, founding his own monastery where he dedicated himself and his disciples to prayer and the discipline of manual labor.

Shenouda the Archimandrite first visited the White Monastery (so named for the color of limestone of its outer walls) located near the Upper Egyptian city of Souhag as a boy. He remained there as a result of a vision granted to the monastery’s abbot, and eventually served as its abbot during its heyday as a thriving ascetic community.

Anthony and Shenouda were both canonized after their deaths as saints in the Coptic Orthodox Church. As monks, they combined their own individualized practices with regimens attuned to their lives in a desert environment and introduced elements of shared communal practice (the sharing of meals and liturgical practice) into their communities that laid the foundations for what we now think of as Christian monasticism.



Jeff Kaiser and David Borgo: KaiBorg / Harvesting Metadata (PFMCD058)

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David Borgo: soprano and sopranino saxophones, chalumeau,
dudukophone, whistlophone, mijwiz, slide whistle and laptop

Jeff Kaiser: quartertone trumpet, flute, voice and laptop

1. Harvesting 1:24
2. Flow Control 8:19
3. Maladaptive Optimization 5:32
4. Nodular 2:41
5. Exception Conditions 5:28
6. Threshing 2:46
7. Resumption Tokens 4:48
8. Postural Schema 4:05
9. Hypernymic Entailment 16:56
10. Intereaction 4:15
11. Reaping 4:47

(Click on any track for excerpt)

Recorded by Tom Erbe, 1-2 July 2009, Studio A, University of California San Diego
All performances are improvisations with live electronic processing
Mixed and mastered by Jeff Kaiser and David Borgo, November 2009
All music © 2010 by David Borgo Music, ASCAP and Jeff Kaiser Music, ASCAP
For more information:


Jeff Kaiser / Tom McNalley / Ted Byrnes: External Logic Machine (PFMCD066)

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Jeff Kaiser • Tom McNalley • Ted Byrnes


External Logic Machine
Jeff Kaiser: Bb trumpet, quatertone trumpet, flugelhorn
Tom McNalley: Acoustic guitar, tricone resonator guitar
Ted Byrnes: percussion

1. A Disciplinarian Society
2. Attention to the Locality
3. Blood and Genes
4. Cooperation Among Productive Sites
5. For an Entire Working Life
6. Frontier and The Idea
7. He Gave Us A Toolbox
8. Hibernation
9. In Order to Preserve Order
10. Particularly Clear in the Case
11. Potential Rationale
12. The Disequilibria of Circulation
13. Thousands of Daily Practices

Recorded by Jeff Kaiser and Ben Power 3.23.2011 at the ICAM Studio, University of California San Diego
Mixed and Mastered by Jeff Kaiser
Design and layout by Ted Byrnes and Jason Tauritz

All compositions ©2011 Jeff Kaiser Music, ASCAP; Tom McNalley Music, ASCAP



Jeff Kaiser and Gregory Taylor: The Desert Fathers / CHARISMATA (PFMCD070)

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The Desert Fathers

Jeff Kaiser: quartertone trumpet, voice, laptop
Gregory Taylor: laptop

1. Sapientia 21:16
2. Intellectus 10:06
3. Consilio 8:25
4. Fortitudo 9:48
5. Scientia 12:57
6. Pietas 4:37

All music © 2012
Jeff Kaiser Music, ASCAP and
Gregory Taylor, BMI

Recorded live in the studio August 2-8, 2010 at STEIM, Amsterdam, NL
Mixed and Mastered April 2012 in San Diego, CA
Engineered by Jeff Kaiser

Graphic design by Ted Killian

The Desert Fathers are grateful to STEIM for our artists’ residency.
Thank you so much for all that you give.



Jeff Kaiser and Phil Skaller: Endless Pie (PFMCD072)

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Endless Pie is…
Jeff Kaiser: trumpet, flugelhorn, voice, electronics
Phil Skaller: prepared piano

Two CDs:
Total run time 109 minutes

Recorded live in Studio A
University of California San Diego, November 21-22, 2010
Recording engineers: Joe Kucera and Clint Davis

Mixing, mastering, design: Jeff Kaiser, July 2012

All compositions © 2012:Jeff Kaiser Music, ASCAP • Phil Skaller, ASCAP

Blueberry (Disc One)

1. Unchangeable Fundament 13:15
2. Image of a Punctiform 3:35
3. People from the Machinations 8:50
4. Two Unknowns, the One Being 6:07
5. Galileo Uses Propaganda 6:39
6. Anticipated by Bacon 4:42
7. No Immediate Theoretical 3:36
8. Alongside a Moving Tower 3:42

Cherry (Disc Two)

1. The Puppet Does Not Have a Soul 14:54
2. Backward Intersection 5:29
3. Occured without Noticeable 2:37
4. Absence of any Proper Notion 5:29
5. Behave Very Much Like After-Images 7:44
6. We Must Retain 6:34
7. The Problem of Telescopic Vision 2:27
8. As Some Relics 6:04
9. Well-Determined Exceptions 1:31
10. This Paratactic 5:19



Jeff Kaiser Double Quartet: Nothing Is Not Breath (NWCD0206)

Nothing Is Not Breath — Jeff Kaiser Double Quartet

Jeff Kaiser, trumpet and pump organ; Michael Vlatkovich, trombone
Vinny Golia, woodwinds; Gene Doi, woodwinds
Jim Connolly, contrabass; Hannes Giger, contrabass
Brad Dutz, percussion; Richie West, percussion

Pay-What-You-Want on Bandcamp

[bandcamp width=350 height=786 album=3875926826 size=large bgcol=333333 linkcol=ffffff]

Recorded by Roy Jones, 22 November 1997 at Ventura City Hall, Ventura, California
Mastered by John Golden
Cover art by Ted Killian

All music composed by Jeff Kaiser
@1997 Jeff Kaiser Music, ASCAP

The creation and performance of this work was made possible by a grant from the City of Ventura’s Office of Cultural Affairs

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