Truth in comics…

I saw the following comic posted on my favorite chess blog,Mig Greengard’s The Daily Dirt Chess Blog:I need to have this posted over my desk… http://xkcd.com/

Hikaru Nakamura!

Hikaru Nakamura, my favorite US chess player, won the Cap d’Agde 2008, beating former world champ Anatoly Karpov and perennial world top-ten player Vassily Ivanchuk along the way…stoked me out, what a great player…and at the …

Kierkegaard quote for the day…

I started reading the recent (2006) translation of Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling published by Cambridge University Press and thought I would share his opening sentence… “Not only in the commercial world but in the realm of …

The Dow and Tea…

My favorite San Diego Tea House, Infusions of Tea, owned by Ronald and Emily…Besides having great knowledge, and selection, of tea, they are doing their bit to help. From the San Diego Tribune: ************ When Dow …

Quote for the day: John Blacking

“…all music is folk music, in the sense that music cannot be transmitted or have meaning without associations between people…The makers of ‘art’ music are not innately more sensitive or cleverer than ‘folk’ musicians: the structures …

KaiBorg at NWEAMO

We had a blast last night, playing at San Diego State University’s NWEAMO. A great audience, including luminaries such as Roger Reynolds and his delightful wife, Karen. This event is quite a wide mix of styles, …


KaiBorg says, “Hoi!”

KaiBorg at STEIM After our stay in Göteborg, KaiBorg moved on to Amsterdam (which involved flying and transferring at Oslo, where we picked up a plane of loud Norwegians all reading the same newspaper article on …


KaiBorg says, “Hej!”

I’ve just returned from gigs with KaiBorg, (David Borgo and myself) in Sweden and The Netherlands. David put together a fantastic tour, and with the help of the UCSD music department, I was able to go. …



Those of you who’ve known me a while, are familiar with my obsession with Bach’s Goldberg Variations, and yes, particularly Glenn Gould’s interpretations. Karlheinz Essl, a compatriot of the Max/MSP community, recently recorded a version of …