jk.softstep – Software for Interacting with the Keith McMillan Softstep in Cycling 74’s Max Environment

jk.softstep is a set of free abstractions made with standard Max objects for interacting with Keith McMillen Instrument’s SoftStep within the Max environment. Please note: The v3 package moves to attribute-style arguments in the abstractions and is not compatible with prior versions. After installing the package, there is an overview patch and several example patches in the Max Extras Menu, as well as illustrative help files for each abstraction. I highly recommend checking out the overview patch.

NOW AVAILABLE IN MAX from the official “Package Manager”
Max->File Menu->“Show Package Manager”-> in the upper right corner, type in “softstep” to search for it-> Install

Version 3 is the recommended version, but *warning* does not work with the prior versions of jk.softstep:
LED functions now in main abstraction, no need to use separate abstraction
Attribute-style arguments, so no need to remember what #1, #2, et cetera sets.
Added outputs for specialized uses
Added sensitivity and smoothing options
Added polarity reversal for pedal input
A few other minor fixes, tweaks, and housekeeping

Unzip and place the “jk.softstep v3” folder into the ‘packages’ folder in the ‘Max 8’
directory here: <User>/Documents/Max 8/packages, then restart Max

Installation Instructions for version 2.4:
Place the jk.softstep folder into the ‘packages’ folder in the ‘Max 8’
directory here: <User>/Documents/Max 8/packages, then restart Max

Earlier versions are available, but not in package format.

Software is “Name Your Own Price.”
$0.0 is fine, but if you would like to contribute, any amount is appreciated. Thank you!

Minimum price: $0.00