Jeff Kaiser, presenting, 2023 ATMI/CMS National Convention

2023 ATMI/CMS National Convention, October 26-28, 2023, Miami, FL, Miami Marriott DadelandATMI is holding its 2023 National Conference in conjunction with the College Music Society’s Sixty-Sixth National Conference. Jeff Kaiser will be presenting his paper, “The …

Jeff Kaiser, Concert, Samek Museum, Bucknell University

Gallery Series: Jeff Kaiser. Wednesday, October 11, 2023, 7:30 p.m. EDT, Elaine Langone Center, 310 – Samek Art Museum. More details TBA.

Jeff Kaiser and Andrew Pask: The Choir Boys – Surveilled (TNPY 001)

Choir Boys - Surveilled - Cover

This recording is only available as a download, please use the “pay what you want” link here:

The Choir Boys: Surveilled

Jeff Kaiser: Bb Trumpet, Bb Quartertone Trumpet, Flugelhorn, and Electronics

Andrew Pask: Bb Clarinet, Soprano Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, and Electronics

with video by Joshua Kit Clayton

Watch the concert here:

SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube Channel here


A few notes:

Concert Performance:
September 14, 2022, 7pm at Hart Recital Hall, University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, MO.
Recorded by Jeff Kaiser and Andrew Pask, mixed and mastered by Jeff Kaiser

All music @ 2023 by Jeff Kaiser Music, ASCAP and Kaleidacousticon, ASCAP

Technophony 001

This was all performed and recorded live, including the electronics, there was no post processing beyond the usual elements of mixing (eq, compression, et cetera). Andrew and I perform our live electronics with software we author in the visual programming environment Max/MSP from Cycling ’74. For me, this included the freely available KaiserLooper . The recording is all done with our RME Fireface UCX II audio interfaces. We just route our audio through them and it then records to a separate hard disk. The microphones were Shure Beta 57a for Andrew, 56a for me (same capsules, different configurations. These are fantastic mics for noisy live environments, but they are not what we would use in the studio…so they definitely sound like “live” mics.

The performance part of the video seen at the beginning and the end was from the live stream, so, the quality is not great. When Joshua’s video starts about 4 minutes in, I used the original video by him.

No CD available, please use the downloadable link (Bandcamp) at top.

Loopers Book Project by Jeff Kaiser and Gregory Taylor

"Our Lady of the Blessed Tape Loop" by Jeff Kaiser. Photograph of a loop he used in the early 80s.

I am very excited to announce the beginning of a research/book project on loopers that I will be writing with my friend Gregory Taylor. The working title is, Loopers: Aesthetics, Technologies, and Creative Practitioners. We want …

Larval – Jeff Kaiser, Seth Andrew Davis, Kevin Cheli


Jeff Kaiser (trumpet & laptop/electronics)

Seth Andrew Davis (electric guitar & laptop/electronics)

Kevin Cheli (drums/percussion, objects)

Available as CD or digitally (linked below)

Recorded October 21, 2021 at Weights and Measures Soundlab in Kansas City, MO

Engineered by Duane Trower

Artwork by Kevin Cheli

All music © 2021 by Jeff Kaiser, Kevin Cheli, Seth Andrew Davis

Released by Mother Brain Records

132350 – Jeff Kaiser Ockodektet – Review

The Jeff Kaiser Ockodektet

Always nice to hear from Grego Applegate Edwards: “This CD came in the mail recently along with a note that this in fact would be one of two last pfMentum releases, which is a shame because …