More tea….!

A cup of the fantastic Awazon on my balcony…(click any image to enlarge) My friend Keith, who is also known to send me some amazing cigars (look earlier on this blog), has just made me a …


Fall 2009…gone…

(Click any image to enlarge) Fall in San Diego!(Is gone…) This quarter flew by…and I still haven’t taken my qualifying exams….BUT I had a great time: touring with David Borgo (KaiBorg) with gigs in Santa Barbara …

STEIM Blog…The Trumpet and Spatialization

The following is from the STEIM Project Blog **************************** “Noise Trumpet,” as some of my friends call it, is using extended techniques on the trumpet to make it sound what many people would call un-trumpet-like. The …

Amsterdam 2009, Day 8-20

What an amazing time this has been in Amsterdam. Highlights (but not limited to!): playing and hanging with Michael Moore and Michael Vatcher, playing/recording with Anne La Berge, hanging with Mary Oliver, Trevor Grahl, Susanna Von …

Slacktone! Winston, Amsterdam, 9-12-2009

Slacktone Michael Moore and I went and saw Slacktone at Winston in Amsterdam on September 12. Sam Bolle is an old friend from Ventura’s Instrumental Music. I met Dusty Watson through him some years back when …

Amsterdam 2009, Day 3-6

Me with Dana Jessen and Mike Straus on the roof of their house(Click on any image to enlarge) It was very nice to see Dana and Mike, I met them last year at this time, when …

Amsterdam 2009, Day 1 and 2

On Herengracht, walking around the corner from the STEIM’s guest house to the studios.(Click any image to enlarge.) I made it to Amsterdam, quite comfortably, actually. First class is even different in the trains…it was on …

Berlin 2009, Day 19-25: Farewell!

Neukölln(Click on any image to enlarge) I’ve had an unbelievable time here, I hope to return for a longer stay next year. Wrapping up with a final few pics to post before off to chess with …

Gigs tonight and tomorrow night…

‘Sicilian Kaiser’Sicilian Dragon with Jeff KaiserJeff Kaiser – 1/4 tone trumpet, electronicsAnat Cohavi – bass clarinet, soprano saxHannes Lingens, drums, accordianRoy Carroll – samplerThur 27.08.09, 22:00Loophole, Boddinstr. 60, 12053 Berlin ‘Kaiser Adaptor’Double Adaptor with Jeff KaiserJeff …