pfMENTUM Selected Reviews

Links: About pfMENTUM/Artists pfMENTUM Recordings: CDs, LPs, DVDs archival information pfMENTUM Cover Art Archive pfMENTUM Selected ReviewspfMENTUM Selected Reviews Here is a partial list of pfMENTUM selected reviews. We are still adding to it, please help …


Links: About pfMENTUM/Artists pfMENTUM Recordings: CDs, LPs, DVDs archival information pfMENTUM Cover Art Archive pfMENTUM Selected ReviewspfMENTUM: Dedicated to creative music—and the musicians that make it. pfMENTUM (pronounced, pee-eff-mehn-tuhm) began in 1995 as a newsletter associated …

pfMENTUM Recordings Archive

Links: About pfMENTUM/Artists pfMENTUM Recordings: CDs, LPs, DVDs archival information pfMENTUM Cover Art Archive pfMENTUM Selected ReviewspfMENTUM Recordings: CDs, LPs, DVDs archival information Archive for information about the recordings documented on pfMENTUM, including CDs, DVDs, vinyl …

Review – 132350

Love it: Then to a pitifully singing saw and a sad organ Why does the sun go on shining? / Why does the sea rush to shore? / Don’t they know it’s the end of the …

Selected Press: 1996-2006

Zugzwang (with Tom McNalley) Sinister, strident and glacial sounds emanating from sunny Ventura, California. Kaiser uses quartertone trumpet, McNalley electric guitar. Both add electronics to distort, extend and transmute their instruments. Zugzwang communicates a taste for …

Amsterdam: August 3-8, 2010

What an incredibly productive and enjoyable stay at STEIM. Gregory Taylor and I recorded more than enough material for an album, I was able to conduct and videotape five interviews for my dissertation and as an …

Amsterdam: July 17-19, 2010

Ahhhh…So good to be back in Amsterdam! I’ll be here for the next three weeks. The first two are a “vacation” as a bit of a self-reward for making it through my PhD qualifying exams and …

All about priorities when the big one is dropped…

I hate to say it, I can relate. *************************** British planners feared tea shortage after nuclear attack LONDON (AFP) — Never mind the radiation: British contingency planners worried there would be a dramatic shortage of tea …