Jeff Kaiser Double Quartet: Nothing Is Not Breath (NWCD0206)

Nothing Is Not Breath — Jeff Kaiser Double Quartet

Jeff Kaiser, trumpet and pump organ; Michael Vlatkovich, trombone
Vinny Golia, woodwinds; Gene Doi, woodwinds
Jim Connolly, contrabass; Hannes Giger, contrabass
Brad Dutz, percussion; Richie West, percussion

Pay-What-You-Want on Bandcamp

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Recorded by Roy Jones, 22 November 1997 at Ventura City Hall, Ventura, California
Mastered by John Golden
Cover art by Ted Killian

All music composed by Jeff Kaiser
@1997 Jeff Kaiser Music, ASCAP

The creation and performance of this work was made possible by a grant from the City of Ventura’s Office of Cultural Affairs

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New Desert Fathers recording! Two years later…

Finally, it is finished, and I must admit…from the music to Ted Killian’s art, I’m quite pleased. Stream it for free, buy digital or hard copies….  <p><a href=””>Charismata by The Desert Fathers</a></p>


Vacation, August 2011…

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Boise Creative and Improvised Music Festival 2011: Day 2

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