KaiBorg: Jeff Kaiser and David Borgo

KaiBorg is: Jeff Kaiser Quartertone Trumpet/Laptop David Borgo Saxophones/Laptop KaiBorg explores the intersections of cutting-edge computer music and contemporary improvisation. Employing custom signal processing techniques and hardware mapping strategies, the musicians perform on “hybrid instruments” that …


Resources for Students in Music Technology

[This material may be out of date. It is now being maintained, and regularly updated at https://whyreaper.com/resources/] I started this list for my students at the University of Central Missouri’s Music Technology Program as an exploration …


Select recordings featuring Jeff Kaiser Select recordings featuring Jeff Kaiser. Duos, trios, large ensembles—acoustic to electric—choirs, big bands, modular synths, theremins, custom electronics. Includes downloads and CDs. Artists on recordings include Vinny Golia, David Borgo, Emily …

Jumper – A free M4L plugin that creates a floating window in Ableton to navigate to Locators


Creates a floating window in Ableton that lets you quickly navigate to your Locators.

Just add the device to a Live MIDI track and the menu window will appear.

Note: after you add Locators hit “Refresh List” to add them to the menu.

Note: it has MIDI thru so it can just drop in any MIDI track.

March 31, 2021 – fixed opening location. You can edit the location the floating window opens to by clicking the edit button, which will open Max. In Max, you can change the bit of code in the floating window that says (window size 200 200 400 277, window exec)… the first two numbers are the XY coordinates on the screen, and the second two are the size of the window.

Please note this is a Max for Live (M4L) plugin only for Ableton Live, not a VST, AAX, or AU.

Software is “Name Your Own Price.”
$0.0 is fine, but if you would like to contribute, any amount is appreciated. Thank you!

jk.i-ching – Max patch using the three coin method for the I-Ching

jk.i-ching uses all Max standard objects to generate I-Ching hexagrams using the three coin method. Includes the hexagram number, images with changing lines, and images without changing lines.

Installation Instructions:
Place the jk.i-ching folder into the ‘packages’ folder in the ‘Max 8’
directory here: <User>/Documents/Max 8/packages then restart Max

Software is “Name Your Own Price.”
$0.0 is fine, but if you would like to contribute, any amount is appreciated. Thank you!

KaiserLooper—Live Looping Software for Max

[gallery type="slideshow" columns="1" link="file" size="large" ids="13203,13202,13201"]
Fully hackable, free looper, and a lot of fun for arrhythmic and beat-oriented experimental live-looping. [Please note: this is a Max patcher, not a Max for Live plugin. It can of course be modified to run as an M4L plugin. That is on my to-do list.]

KaiserLooper 2

Allows for recording, overdubbing, chopping, segmenting, asynchronous loops, synchronous loops, combinations of synchronous and asynchronous loops, fully customizable because it is a Max patch! It runs in quadraphonic, but if you want mono, just use the first channel, stereo the first two, et cetera. Requirements: Max 8.

Installation Instructions:
Place the KaiserLooper folder into the ‘packages’ folder in the ‘Max 8’
directory here: <User>/Documents/Max 8/packages then restart Max

A fully functioning patcher will now be available in Max->Extras Menu.

Earlier version available, but not in package format. Works with earlier versions of Max.

Software is “Name Your Own Price.”
$0.0 is fine, but if you would like to contribute, any amount is appreciated. Thank you!

The Jeff Kaiser Ockodektet: 13 Themes for a Triskaidekaphobic (PFMCD013)

[playlist ids="381"]
The Jeff Kaiser Ockodektet is:
Eric Barber: Soprano and Tenor Saxophones
Vinny Golia: Saxophones, Clarinets, Flutes
Emily Hay: Flutes
Lynn Johnston: Saxophones and Clarinets
Jason Mears: Alto Saxophone
Dan Clucas/Kris Tiner: Trumpets
Michael Vlatkovich: Trombone
Eric Sbar: Euphonium and Valve-Trombone
Mark Weaver: Tuba
Ernesto Diaz-Infante: Acoustic Guitar
Tom McNalley: Electric Guitar
G.E. Stinson: Electric Guitar, Electronics
Jim Connolly/Hal Onserud: Contrabass
Wayne Peet: Organ, Theremin, Electronics
Brad Dutz: Percussion
Richie West: Drum Set and Percussion
Jeff Kaiser: Conductor, Trumpet

Track List
1. My Uncle Toby’s apologetical oration 6:57
2. Gravity was an errant scoundrel 5:55
3. This sweet fountain of science 8:44
4. The Curate’s folly betwixt them 5:47
5. Devout, venerable, hoary-headed man, meekly holding up a box 4:43
6. The stranger’s nose was no more heard of 1:18
7. Uncle Toby understood the nature of a parabola 4:01
8. The Accusing Spirit which flew up to heaven’s chancery 6:55
9. A thousand of my father’s most subtle syllogisms 7:23
10. His life was put in jeopardy by words 5:44
11. The heat and impatience of his thirst 5:16
12. Nothing but the fermentation 4:11
13. I wish my Uncle Toby had been a water-drinker 6:09
Total Playing Time: 1:13:13

All compositions and arrangements by Jeff Kaiser
©2003 Jeff Kaiser Music, ASCAP
Recorded at Ventura City Hall, Ventura, CA, 9.7.02
Recording, mastering, design, and layout by Jeff Kaiser

“Number helps more than anything else to bring order into the chaos of appearances.”
— C. G. Jung, The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche




Jeff Kaiser and Phil Skaller: Endless Pie (PFMCD072)

[playlist ids="528"]
Endless Pie is…
Jeff Kaiser: trumpet, flugelhorn, voice, electronics
Phil Skaller: prepared piano

Two CDs:
Total run time 109 minutes

Recorded live in Studio A
University of California San Diego, November 21-22, 2010
Recording engineers: Joe Kucera and Clint Davis

Mixing, mastering, design: Jeff Kaiser, July 2012

All compositions © 2012:Jeff Kaiser Music, ASCAP • Phil Skaller, ASCAP

Blueberry (Disc One)

1. Unchangeable Fundament 13:15
2. Image of a Punctiform 3:35
3. People from the Machinations 8:50
4. Two Unknowns, the One Being 6:07
5. Galileo Uses Propaganda 6:39
6. Anticipated by Bacon 4:42
7. No Immediate Theoretical 3:36
8. Alongside a Moving Tower 3:42

Cherry (Disc Two)

1. The Puppet Does Not Have a Soul 14:54
2. Backward Intersection 5:29
3. Occured without Noticeable 2:37
4. Absence of any Proper Notion 5:29
5. Behave Very Much Like After-Images 7:44
6. We Must Retain 6:34
7. The Problem of Telescopic Vision 2:27
8. As Some Relics 6:04
9. Well-Determined Exceptions 1:31
10. This Paratactic 5:19




Why Reaper?

Introduction [This material is now being maintained, and regularly updated at https://whyreaper.com/] When I was the instructor for electronic music composition at the University of San Diego, I began to use Reaper: and loved it. (Reaper, …