Friday, November 9, 3pm, I will be participating in a panel, Teaching Music Technology in Diverse Interdisciplinary Classrooms. Panelists: Jason Fick – Oregon State University Caroline Flynn – Virginia Tech Nick Hwang – University of Wisconsin – …
Using Locators in Ableton Live: “Jumper” Max for Live plugin
I decided to work in Ableton Live for a film project this summer because I enjoy the creative options and I want to use the KaiGen Max for Live plugins and other goodies in Ableton 10. (My usual …
KaiBorg “Vibrant Matters” Review, The New York City Jazz Record
From (Robert Bush, author), February 2018 Issue “KaiBorg is the adventurous duo of electro-acoustic provocateurs Jeff Kaiser (quarter-tone trumpet, live computer processing) and David Borgo (soprano saxophone, various wind instruments and live computer processing.) This album …
KaiGen-I-Ching for Ableton Live and Max
I had so much fun making the Max I-Ching patch I posted a few days ago, that I decided to make a Max for Live device so everybody can have a little divination in their Ableton …
I-Ching for Max
So, I’ve been wanting to do this for a while: a Max patch that generates I-Ching information (Hexagram number, images with changing lines, images without changing lines). So here it is. Available free here. Scroll down to …
2017 New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival, June 19-25, 2017
I am very pleased to announce that my paper—Changing, Blurring, Decentering: Community and Electroacoustic Musicians—has been accepted to the 2017 New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival The festival will take place June 19-25, 2017 at the Abrons …
Smaple Palyer
Smaple-Palyer Smaple is a basic sample player that allows you to easily and quickly add sonic backgrounds by dragging and dropping files live, randomize their occurrence, change their pitch and direction, or: tie them to a …
Videos Please take a moment to subscribe to my YouTube Channel by clicking here. I have embedded a variety of videos below featuring my solo work (Prelude and Fog, ZEITNOT, Sitzfleisch, and more), recording session videos …
Max Native Abstractions for Ableton Push 2
I have been using Ableton Push in my duo with Trevor Henthorn (Made Audible using Ableton Live) for around a year now, and absolutely loving it in the studio and on stage. I decided to incorporate Ableton Push 2 into my Max ( …