Amsterdam: August 2, 2010

The Desert Father’s first day at STEIM was quite exciting….a wonderful recording session immediately followed by a crash…making the 1.68gb seven channel interleaved file recorded in Max/MSP unreadable…THANKFULLY, Audiofile Engineering came to the rescue with their …

Amsterdam: July 17-19, 2010

Ahhhh…So good to be back in Amsterdam! I’ll be here for the next three weeks. The first two are a “vacation” as a bit of a self-reward for making it through my PhD qualifying exams and …

STEIM Blog…The Trumpet and Spatialization

The following is from the STEIM Project Blog **************************** “Noise Trumpet,” as some of my friends call it, is using extended techniques on the trumpet to make it sound what many people would call un-trumpet-like. The …

Amsterdam 2009, Day 8-20

What an amazing time this has been in Amsterdam. Highlights (but not limited to!): playing and hanging with Michael Moore and Michael Vatcher, playing/recording with Anne La Berge, hanging with Mary Oliver, Trevor Grahl, Susanna Von …

Berlin 2009, Day 19-25: Farewell!

Neukölln(Click on any image to enlarge) I’ve had an unbelievable time here, I hope to return for a longer stay next year. Wrapping up with a final few pics to post before off to chess with …


Berlin Day 6 and 7

Wednesday night, we went to find a gig, but couldn’t find it…however, when crossing the river I noticed these brick lines. (Click any image to enlarge.) Phil informed me they are markers, of where the wall …

Pu-erh Tea Markets hit hard…

Pu-erh tea is a joy for me, I drink it almost daily…and have for over ten years….so this news was shocking, from The Scotsman: *******************************Devastation left by Pu’er madness of green tea bubble Published Date: 15 …

A Pause for Pinter…

Having done incidental music/sounds for several of his plays, this saddened me, Harold Pinter was such a great playwright. But the Pinter Pause will live on. Or will it? (Read the link.) From the AP:Nobel Laureate …

The Dow and Tea…

My favorite San Diego Tea House, Infusions of Tea, owned by Ronald and Emily…Besides having great knowledge, and selection, of tea, they are doing their bit to help. From the San Diego Tribune: ************ When Dow …