
Jeff Kaiser’s solo performance was “a manic, hallucinogenic joyride through time, space and tonal distortions. He took some of the extended techniques of Lester Bowie and Bill Dixon, and stretched them past the breaking point. He would bend …


Equalizers and Pro Tools 9

Recently I switched to Pro Tools 9 as my main DAW (from Digital Performer). There are many reasons for this, not the least of which is I like it better. I also find myself using the …


Douglas Detrick: Interview with Jeff Kaiser

From Douglas Detrick I had a gig in the summer of 2010 with Jeff Kaiser at the Jazz Station, a gem of a venue in Eugene, Oregon’s music scene. I played the first set, Jeff played …

The Desert Fathers in concert tonight at STEIM

From STEIM: 5 August 2010 | 20:30 hrs. | Concert | 5 euros STEIM Residency Concert:The Desert Fathers, PIRX, Lesley Flanigan Featuring:The Desert Fathers: Jeff Kaiser (US) – trumpet + computer & Gregory Taylor (US) – …


Dad’s 1966 Porsche 912

My father, Chuck Kaiser, has a habit (along with my mother) of taking old beat-up things and making them into something amazing. Ten years ago he purchased a trailer of rusty steel for a pittance….he saw …

New Media Reading Group…

Friends regularly ask what I am reading here at UCSD, so I thought this might interest some of you. A friend and I started a reading group this quarter for new media theory….here are the texts, …


Vision Festival…New York Weekend…

(Phil saying, “Kaiser! Get rid of the camera!”) What a wonderful weekend in New York. Phil Skaller and I went to perform a live soundtrack to Bill Brand’s film, Angular Momentum, at the Vision Festival. I …


Good news for Pu-erh drinkers

From xinhuanet: Chinese Pu’er tea set to be more affordablewww.chinaview.cn BEIJING, April 13 — Tea lovers can look forward to a more affordable pot of Pu’er, which has witnessed sharp price hikes in recent years, Kong …