Dangers of asking a stranger to take your photograph

Steuart Liebig, Jeff Kaiser, Kris Tiner at Influx Cafe Coffee Pre-Kris Tiner Quintet gig…I asked a guy to take our pic, every one had his finger in it and was blurry. Every one. That IS a …

dj sniff (aka, Takuro Mizuta Lippit) visits UCSD…

And of course I make him pose for a shot for my blog… Jeff and dj sniff (http://djsniff.com/) What a great, albeit too brief, visit from Takuro. In addition to being a turntablist, experimental musician/performer…he is …

Berlin: September 1-4, 2010

Rosa Luxemburg Skyline… Isambard Khroustaliov – computer and Maurizio Ravalico – percussion, found objects atClub der polnischen Versager .. .. We can see who is moving the most… Skyline With Thea at the World Clock Axel …

Maria with Jürg Bariletti and Phil Skaller

I really feel lucky sometimes, to do interesting gigs in equally interesting venues. Life can be so rich, varied and wonderfully surprising. When Phil told me we would be doing a gig in a cargo container …

Sidney Corbett at Hauptbahnhof: September 1, 2010

I had the pleasure of hearing several gigs at of all places, Berlin Hauptbahnhof. Wednesday was a lovely piece by Sid Corbett for piano and multi-channel electronic playback. For many of the performances meshing with the …

Berlin: August 13-31, 2010

A bunch of random shots from my last few weeks here…food, drink, music, trains….seems to be the theme….Click any picture to enlarge it. Ariana at Manna Vego World! Seitan Currywurst! Green Bier? Thea and the trikes… …

Paul DeMarinis at the DAAD Gallery in Berlin

A very beautiful show at the DAAD in Berlin closed on Saturday…Paul DeMarinis’ pneuma featured speakers whose cones would rise and fall in sync while playing the sound of an individual (different for each speaker) sleeping …