Prehistoric Horse, Sabrina Siegel and Oolong at J-Tea

Hanging with Prehistoric Horse at The Wandering Goat(Click any photo to enlarge.) The day after my gig with Sabrina Siegel and Prehistoric Horse (smoking gig, at The Jazz Station in Eugene, OR-Thanks to Douglas Detrick for …


Muddy Waters, Zoey’s and Metro Galleries with Steuart Liebig

Steuart Liebig and I recently had a wonderful mini-tour: Santa Barbara, Ventura and Bakersfield… In Santa Barbara, we played at the Santa Barbara New Music series (run by the contagiously effervescent Colter Frazier) at Muddy Waters …

Garth Brooks In the Court of the Crimson King

After a gig in Bakersfield the other day, Kris Tiner, James Sproul, Chris Schlarb and Adriana Lucero-Schlarb went to Buck Owen’s AWESOME Crystal Palace to unwind and listen to some smoking country music (great stuff by …

KaiBorg enters the studio…

David Borgo and I (KaiBorg, btw, audio file now on the website) have entered the studio…Studio A, that is, at the University of California, San Diego campus…accompanied by the wonderful audio/software engineer Tom Erbe (be sure …


Vision Festival…New York Weekend…

(Phil saying, “Kaiser! Get rid of the camera!”) What a wonderful weekend in New York. Phil Skaller and I went to perform a live soundtrack to Bill Brand’s film, Angular Momentum, at the Vision Festival. I …

The Thing

Smoking set tonight at The Loft by The Thing Swedish saxophonist Mats Gustafsson and two Norwegians, bassist Ingebrigt Håker Flaten and drummer Paal Nilssen-Love

First session

At the fantastic new Conrad Prebys Music Center, we had our first full tracking session in the new recording studio. (By they way, does that make all of us that use the music center “Prebysterians”…?) Anyway, …

Great Weekend…!

What a great weekend. Besides getting a lot of work done in the studio mixing Jeff Denson’s album, I had friends visiting to play gigs. Steuart Liebig, Bill Barret, Tony Atherton and Joe Berardi (The Mentones) …

Session with Jeff Denson and Brian McLaughlin

Saturday, March 21, I had a wonderful session with Jeff Denson (doctoral student here at UCSD) and Brian McLaughlin (awesome drummer from LA) at UCSD’s lovely Studio A. Our engineer was our friend and fellow doctoral …