Nice blurb in Eugene Weekly

From the Eugene Weekly: Welcome to the Machine Barry Threw’s laptop-generated soundscapes immerse listeners in ominous clouds of music occasionally lit by bolts of electronic sound. It’s no surprise that the San Francisco-based electronic musician often …

Poster for Eugene, Oregon show

Don Haugen made this great poster for our Eugene, Oregon show this weekend: (click pic to enlarge) From the DIVA website:August 2, 2008, 8pmEugene, OregonAt DIVADowntown Initiative for the Visual Arts110 W. BROADWAY – EUGENE, OREGON(541) …


Many of you are familiar with my dear friend, the wonderful trombonist and composer, Michael Vlatkovich. I had a chance to surprise him while he was on tour in Portland, Oregon last week. Trying to sneak …

Maximus P in Eugene, Oregon…

Barry Threw and I first performed together as Maximus P at the Palindrome in Oakland, then again at a sideshow to Siggraph at UCSD last summer. Well, finally, another chance: Here in Eugene, Oregon at the …


Tour-ette Syndrome: “Triumphantly weird, of course!”

Steuart and I at the Metro Gallery in BakersfieldPhoto by Kris Tiner “Triumphantly weird” is how the VC Reporter heralded my first return show in Ventura since leaving for school in San Diego. I like it: …


Review in Computer Music Journal…

Computer Music Journal MIT Press Summer 2008, Vol. 32, No. 2, Pages 86-88 Reviewed by James Harley Guelph, Ontario, Canada The Desert Fathers is a duo comprising Jeff Kaiser and Gregory Taylor. Mr. Kaiser combines his …

Boise Experimental Music Festival: Jim McAuley, MVP

Jim McAuley at the Boise Experimental Music Festival. Well…back to San Diego, still with this awful flu and bronchitis. I thought I’d put up some random pics from the festival. I was saving my energy for …

The Choir Boys loving Idaho

Andrew Pask and Jeff Kaiser at Craters of the Moon National Park, photo by Craig Green Andrew Pask and I are having a great time in Idaho. (Barring this three day bout of flu that I’ve …

The Choir Boys on the road…

Andrew Pask and I (The Choir Boys) are hitting the road yet again, this time to play in Idaho Falls and Boise, Idaho. Should be a lovely trip, such a beautiful time of the year in …