The Choir Boys: Jeff Kaiser and Andrew Pask

The Choir Boys: Jeff Kaiser Andrew Pask

The Choir Boys! Jeff Kaiser and Andrew PaskEveryone’s plugged into something and the result is an urgent, witty and often moving collage of acoustic and electronic sound which doesn’t draw attention to itself, but lets some …

Made Audible: Jeff Kaiser and Trevor Henthorn

Made Audible: Jeff Kaiser and Trevor HenthornProbability-based Electronica, since 2008About: Made Audible sonifies information—working with the many possibilities of sonification, from data to concepts, from science to politics. Made Audible uses Ableton Live, Ableton Push and …

KaiBorg: Jeff Kaiser and David Borgo

KaiBorg – Vibrant Matters from Jeff Kaiser on Vimeo.KaiBorg is: Jeff Kaiser Quartertone Trumpet/Laptop David Borgo Saxophones/Laptop KaiBorg explores the intersections of cutting-edge computer music and contemporary improvisation. Employing custom signal processing techniques and hardware mapping …

KaiserLooper—Live Looping Software for Max

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Fully hackable, free looper, and a lot of fun for arrhythmic and beat-oriented experimental live-looping. [Please note: this is a Max patcher, not a Max for Live plugin. It can of course be modified to run as an M4L plugin. That is on my to-do list.]

KaiserLooper 2

Allows for recording, overdubbing, chopping, segmenting, asynchronous loops, synchronous loops, combinations of synchronous and asynchronous loops, fully customizable because it is a Max patch! It runs in quadraphonic, but if you want mono, just use the first channel, stereo the first two, et cetera. Requirements: Max 8.

Installation Instructions:
Place the KaiserLooper folder into the ‘packages’ folder in the ‘Max 8’
directory here: <User>/Documents/Max 8/packages then restart Max

A fully functioning patcher will now be available in Max->Extras Menu.

Earlier version available, but not in package format. Works with earlier versions of Max.

Software is “Name Your Own Price.”
$0.0 is fine, but if you would like to contribute, any amount is appreciated. Thank you!

Jeff Kaiser / Luis Tabuenca: The Forgetting Machine: Systematic and Quantitative

CDs, iTunes, and more available at

The Forgetting Machine:
Systematic and Quantitative

The Forgetting Machine is:
Jeff Kaiser, trumpet
Luis Tabuenca, percussion

1 With Certainty 00:43
2 Collided, Smashed, Bumped, Hit, Contacted 05:14
3 The Radio’s Innards are Exposed 02:59
4 Encodes the Remembrance 04:54
5 Cascade of Questions 04:38
6 Methods Imported from Physics 01:12
7 If I were to suffer from heart failure and depend upon an artificial heart, I would be no less myself 01:32

Total Playing Time: 21:37 (EP)

All music composed by Jeff Kaiser and Luis Tabuenca
Recorded 25 May 2018 in Fabra i Coats, Barcelona, Spain
Mixed and Mastered May 2019 in Warrensburg, Missouri, USA
Recorded, Mixed and Mastered by Jeff Kaiser
Photograph of Kaiser and Tabuenca by Andrea Davis
Artwork and Graphic Design by Ted Killian
©2019, Jeff Kaiser Music, ASCAP and Luis Tabuenca, SGAE

DL: VI-337/2019

Jeff Kaiser: Excerpts from the Prince (BTCD0295)

Excerpts from the Prince

All tracks composed and performed by Jeff Kaiser (trumpet, voice, and electronics)

(Pay-what-you-want on Bandcamp below)

[bandcamp width=350 height=588 album=4290813897 size=large bgcol=333333 linkcol=ffffff]

This music was created for The Prince, a theater work
Written, staged and directed by Taylor Kasch
Based on Niccoló Machiavelli’s book of the same title

Art Direction: Ted Killian
Photography: Chris Jensen
Recording Engineer: Jeff Kaiser and Tim Frantz

Spoken text is paraphrased from

All selections ©1995 Jeff Kaiser ASCAP

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Jeff Kaiser / David Borgo: KaiBorg: Vibrant Matters (PFMCD100)


Jeff KAIser
David BORGo

KaiBorg – Vibrant Matters from Jeff Kaiser on Vimeo.

Purchase CD at the bottom of the page, digital copies here:

1. Instropomorphize 4:01
2. Vibrant Matters 11:35
3. Deep-End-and-See 9:08
4. Semioterial 13:52
5. N-Tangled 3:37
6. Materiotics 2:33
7. Undercurrents and Overtones 1:51
8. Heiranarchy 7:56

David Borgo: soprano saxophone, dudukophone (4), raj nplaim (4), double duct flute (4), skatchbox (4), chromatic tambin (5), futujara (7), and live computer processing

Jeff Kaiser: quartertone trumpet and live computer processing

Recorded live at University of California San Diego’s Studio A by Josef Kucera, February 19-20, 2016

Mixed and Mastered by Jeff Kaiser with David Borgo at pfMENTUM World Headquarters, February, 2017

All music ©2017 David Borgo Music, ASCAP and Jeff Kaiser Music, ASCAP • •


The Jeff Kaiser Ockodektet: 13 Themes for a Triskaidekaphobic (PFMCD013)

[playlist ids="381"]
The Jeff Kaiser Ockodektet is:
Eric Barber: Soprano and Tenor Saxophones
Vinny Golia: Saxophones, Clarinets, Flutes
Emily Hay: Flutes
Lynn Johnston: Saxophones and Clarinets
Jason Mears: Alto Saxophone
Dan Clucas/Kris Tiner: Trumpets
Michael Vlatkovich: Trombone
Eric Sbar: Euphonium and Valve-Trombone
Mark Weaver: Tuba
Ernesto Diaz-Infante: Acoustic Guitar
Tom McNalley: Electric Guitar
G.E. Stinson: Electric Guitar, Electronics
Jim Connolly/Hal Onserud: Contrabass
Wayne Peet: Organ, Theremin, Electronics
Brad Dutz: Percussion
Richie West: Drum Set and Percussion
Jeff Kaiser: Conductor, Trumpet

Track List
1. My Uncle Toby’s apologetical oration 6:57
2. Gravity was an errant scoundrel 5:55
3. This sweet fountain of science 8:44
4. The Curate’s folly betwixt them 5:47
5. Devout, venerable, hoary-headed man, meekly holding up a box 4:43
6. The stranger’s nose was no more heard of 1:18
7. Uncle Toby understood the nature of a parabola 4:01
8. The Accusing Spirit which flew up to heaven’s chancery 6:55
9. A thousand of my father’s most subtle syllogisms 7:23
10. His life was put in jeopardy by words 5:44
11. The heat and impatience of his thirst 5:16
12. Nothing but the fermentation 4:11
13. I wish my Uncle Toby had been a water-drinker 6:09
Total Playing Time: 1:13:13

All compositions and arrangements by Jeff Kaiser
©2003 Jeff Kaiser Music, ASCAP
Recorded at Ventura City Hall, Ventura, CA, 9.7.02
Recording, mastering, design, and layout by Jeff Kaiser

“Number helps more than anything else to bring order into the chaos of appearances.”
— C. G. Jung, The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche




The Jeff Kaiser Ockodektet: The Alchemical Mass and The Kaiser / Diaz-Infante Sextet: Suite Solutio (PFMCD019)

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The Jeff Kaiser Ockodektet: The Alchemical Mass

The Kaiser/Diaz-Infante Sextet: Suite Solutio

The Jeff Kaiser Ockodektet with The Ojai Camerata

Woodwinds: Vinny Golia, Eric Barber, Jason Mears * Trumpet/Flugelhorn: Kris Tiner * Trombone: Michael Vlatkovich
Tuba: Mark Weaver * Bass: Jim Connolly * Prepared Acoustic Guitar: Ernesto Diaz-Infante * Acoustic Piano: Wayne Peet
Percussion: Brad Dutz * Drum Set: Richie West * Jeff Kaiser: Conductor, Flugelhorn

The Ojai Camerata:
Sopranos: Diane Besocke, Candace Delbo, Eleanor Land,
Laura Johnson-Bickford, Lu Setnicka
Altos: Gwen Erickson, Lisa Gordon, Katherine Halsey,
Holly Mitchem, Zoe Pietrycha
Tenors: Carla Aiello, Jaye Hersh, J.B. White
Basses: Dave Farber, Jim Halverson, Kurt Meyer, Bill Wagner
Dr. Wyant Morton, Director

The Alchemical Mass
Conducted by Jeff Kaiser and Dr. Wyant Morton
1. Introitus 10:28
[Eric Barber, Soprano Sax * Vinny Golia, Sopranino Sax]
2. Kyrie 3:00
3. Collecta and Gloria 2:33
[Kris Tiner, Flugelhorn]
4. Epistola and Graduale 1:44
5. Offertorium 9:03
[Jeff Kaiser, Flugelhorn * Jason Mears, Alto Sax]
6. Ave Maria and Commune 7:16

Kaiser/Diaz-Infante Sextet
Trumpet/Flugelhorn: Jeff Kaiser * Prepared Acoustic Guitar: Ernesto Diaz-Infante
Trombone: Scot Ray * Bass: Jim Connolly * Percussion: Brad Dutz * Drum Set: Richie West

Suite Solutio
7. Part I 2:38
8. Part II 1:25
9. Part III 5:06
10. Part IV 5:49
11. Part V 4:19
Total Playing Time 53:21

All compositions and arrangements by Jeff Kaiser * (C)2004 Jeff Kaiser Music, ASCAP
The Alchemical Mass was recorded 4.26.03 at the First United Methodist Church in Ventura, CA
Recorded, mixed, and mastered by Wayne Peet
Suite Solutio was recorded 2.25.01 at Zircon Skye in Ojai, CA
Recorded by Jeff Evans * Mixed and mastered by Jeff Kaiser
Photographs by Michael Kelly * Design and layout by Jeff Kaiser

The Alchemical Mass is dedicated to Keith McMullen for his friendship and unending supply of prima materia.
In Stercore Invenitur

Liner Notes:

“Obscurum Per Obscurius.”
[Explaining the obscure by the more obscure.]

-Anonymous Alchemical Quote

“It is true that alchemy always stood on the verge of heresy and that certain decrees leave no doubt as to the Church’s attitude towards it, but on the other hand it was effectively protected by the obscurity of its symbolism, which could always be explained by harmless allegory…The alchemists ran counter to the Church in preferring to seek through knowledge rather than to find through faith, though as medieval people they never thought of themselves as anything but good Christians…But in reality they were in much the same position as modern man, who prefers immediate personal experience to belief in traditional ideas, or rather has it forced upon him…For this reason there have always been people who, not satisfied with the dominants of conscious life, set forth – under cover and by devious paths, to their destruction or salvation – to seek direct experience of the eternal roots…”

-C.G. Jung, Psychology and Alchemy

Nicholas Melchior Cibenensis – chaplain and court astrologer to Ladislaus I (King of Hungary and Bohemia) and then Louis II – wrote the text of The Alchemical Mass between 1490 and 1516. Following the death of Louis II in 1526, Cibenensis fled to Vienna…where Ferdinand I would execute him in 1531. The original text is quite long and has been paraphrased for this composition.

Introitus Missae:
Fundamentum vero artis est corporum solutio quae, non in aquam nubis, sed in aquam mercurialem resolvenda sunt, ex qua generatur verus lapis philosophorum. [The basis of the Art is the dissolution of the bodies…]
Versus: Introitus vitrioli, et salis vitri, aequales partes, dans solutionis testimonium: Gloria patri, et filio, per spiritum sanctum.

Kyrie, fons bonitatis, inspirator sacrae artis, a quo bona cuncta tuis fidelibus procedunt, Eleison.
Christe, Hagie, lapis benedicte artis scientiae qui pro mundi salute inspirasti lumen scientiae, Eleison.
Kyrie, ignis divine, pectora nostra juva, ut pro tua laude pariter sacramenta artis expandere possimus, Eleison.
[Our Lord, fount of goodness, inspirer of the sacred art, from whom all good things come to your faithful, have mercy. Christ, Holy one, blessed stone of the art of the science who for the salvation of the world hast inspired the light of the science, have mercy. Our Lord, divine fire, help our hearts, that we may be able, to your praise, to expand the sacraments of the art, have mercy.]

Deus largitor totius bonitatis, qui maxime in fine temporum; sola tua bonitate et sapientia famulo tuo. N.N. non suis meritis praecedentibus: sed tua ineffabili pietate, et gratia praeveniente, lumen sacrae artis alchemiae inspirasti, praesta quae sumus, ut quod ex tuae maiestatis dono accepit, ad salutem corporis, et animae eius prosit, in ipsoque omnia vitia mortifica, et gratiam virtutis infunde, ut eandem sacram artem solum modo ad laudem, et gloriam nominis tui, et fidei Christianae propagationem, fideliter expendat, per dominum nostrum Jesum Christum, Amen.
[May thy servant N.N. practice the sacred Art of alchemy to the glory of God…]

Gloria in excelsis

O altitudo divitiarum sapientiae, et scientiae Dei.
[O profound, wise and knowledgeable God.]

Surge aquilo et veni auster: perfla hortum meum, et fluant aromata illius.
[Arise north wind, and come south wind, blow through my garden and let the aromatical spices flow.]

Ave Maria:
Salve, O caeli iubar speciosum, mundi lumen radiosum; hic cum luna copularis, sit copula martialis, et Mercurii coniunctio. Ecce res est una, radix una, essentia una…qui est lapis philosophorum. Hic est thesaurus thesaurorum, summa medicina philosophorum, caeleste secretum antiquorum, beatus, qui hoc invenerit.
[Hail beautiful lamp of heaven, shining light of the world! Here art thou united with the moon, here is made the band of Mars and the conjunction of Mercury. And behold it is one thing, one root, one essence…this being the stone of the philosophers. It is the treasure of treasures, the supreme philosophical potion, the divine secret of the ancients. Blessed is he that finds such thing.]

Commune: Regem nostrum venientem ex igne, illuminatum, et diademate coronatum, ipsum honorate in perpetuum. Amen.
[Glory be to our king who comes out of the fire, who is illumined, and crowned with the diadem, for ever and ever. Amen.]

I wish to thank Dr. Wyant Morton and the Ojai Camerata for commissioning this work and The City of Ventura’s Office of Cultural Affairs for a grant to fund The Jeff Kaiser Ockodektet. I would also like to thank Adam McLean, author of over 40 books on alchemical and hermetic literature, who took the time out of his busy schedule to send me the complete Latin text of The Alchemical Mass with translation. Visit his web site at: for text and art on all facets of alchemy.